What is the age limit for Flux Indoor Percussion?

For the 2025 season from the WGI Percussion advisory board

Percussion ensembles from the United States competing in the independent classes and composed of performers not over 22 years of age as of 12:01 AM on April 1, 2025, shall be permitted to compete in contests governed by WGI. Each percussion ensemble appearing at a WGI contest shall be prepared to show proof of age. International independent percussion ensembles are not bound by any limit.

For the 2025 season from the Flux Percussion Organization

Our membership will consist of individuals not over 22 years of age as of 12:01 a.m. on April 1, 2025. Our membership will most likely consist of individuals 16 - 23, however, we would encourage students of all ages to attend auditions. 


I don't have much experience and am unsure if I'll make the group, should I still audition?

Of course! On top of finding our cast, we hope to make the audition a fun and EDUCATIONAL event where all students will leave a better person than before.

Will Flux Indoor Percussion interfere with Drum Corps?  

We highly encourage all members to participate in Drum Corps as it provides an invaluable experience. We will do our best to work with all our students in this capacity. 

Will I be allowed to march if my high school already has an Indoor Percussion Program?

We highly encourage all members to participate in their respective indoor programs. If your high school offers an indoor program and you want to participate with Flux Indoor Percussion -  it is expected for you to have your band director sign a waiver permitting this.  Once again, we encourage all members to consider participation in their high school program prior to Flux.

How much are fees? 

At this time, our plans are to travel to San Bernardino for the WGI regionals as well at to Dayton, OH for the World Championships. Fees for the 2025 season will be $2400 for all sections. Those fees cover instruction, show design, costuming, travel, hotels, and rehearsal sites. We strive to keep the cost as low as we can without allowing the organization to suffer.

Will Flux Indoor Percussion be traveling to Dayton, Ohio for WGI World Championships? 

Absolutely! We wish to provide our students with the best experience possible and WGI World Championships is a big part of that. 


My family and friends want to help, how can they do so?

We encourage all our students to have their families/friends help out with Flux as it makes the experience so much more joyful. There are many fashions in which people can help such as truck driving, prop building (welding/construction), cooking, event staff, and so much more. If you have any questions regarding ways you can help please CLICK HERE to be forwarded to our contact page. Thank you for your interest in helping FLUX INDOOR PERCUSSION.  

Will the snare line be playing on a tilt? 

The snare line will be playing traditional so they will play on a tilt.